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Many people come up with really good ideas for books, films, plays and so on, but don’t have the knowledge, skills or experience to bring these to fruition.


ORIDEA provides a safe, controlled environment, where people with Original Ideas can share their ideas with professional writers, enabling those professionals to pitch for the opportunity to take forward these ideas as books, films or plays.


So next time you see the closing titles of a Hollywood blockbuster and those magic words “based on an original idea by....” come up on screen, it might just be YOUR Original Idea!


We will: -


  1. Register your Original Idea with the Writer’s Guild of America West, on your behalf, providing proof of originality;

  2. Present your Original Idea to a range of candidate writers, matching the genre of your Original Idea with appropriate candidates who typically write in that genre;

  3. Invite candidates to pitch their ideas for the development of your Original Idea, giving you the option of reaching an agreement with a particular writer, or taking your Original Idea to open auction;

  4. Host an open auction for the rights to develop your Original Idea, should you opt to take this path; and

  5. Support you throughout the negotiation, providing all necessary documentation for a finalised agreement for development of your Original Idea.


Our fees: -


Stage 1: Registration of your Original Idea with the Writer’s Guild of America West: €50

Stage 2: Promotion of your Original Idea, through the website, €50

Stage 3: Hosting your Original Idea in an open auction, through the website €100

Stage 4: Support of negotiations and provision of all documentation necessary to reach agreement either for the sale of the rights to develop your Original Idea, or for the joint development of your Original Idea, leading to eventual share of royalties that are generated from your Original Idea: 10% of the agreement sale value / 10% of your agreed share of eventual royalties.

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